Tuesday 30 September 2014

What is Water Composition in Our Earth?

Hope this Picture shares light on an essential and precious resource for our lives. Only 2.5% is freshwater !!!

Below is one human body composition of water ( by percentage per person ) and not a representative based on weight or body volume size.

Water Picture - The Composition and pH Levels

Deionized Water - The Science Behind It

Let's now talk on another filtered water - Deionized Water.

Basically, it is water that from the diagrams removes trace chemicals that are present in the water from its source, piping or the chemicals introduced from the water treatment systems. It is a chemical cleaning action and little energy is used - only the water pressure to push the water through the system and overcome pressure drops. Using crosslinked polystrene beads to remove cation ( Positive charged chemicals ) and anion ( Negative charged chemicals ). More "cleaner" as compared to distilled water but does not remove bacterial, micro-organisms or pathogens. This can be solved by installing a UV unit after the ion-resin exchanger unit to do that job.

Most of the time deionized water is used for electronics, scientific experiments, production of superconductors, nuclear industry etc where water quality is of high importance. One important process is for some places in the world where the source water is hard and change this water into soft water. ( replacing the magnesium and calcium ions found in the water with sodium ions ). Also, the filtering process is in combination with other filtering systems ( For example : pre-filter, activated carbon filter, UV filter or a series of ion-resins exchangers ) to remove effectively and get the desired filter water grade. The resins can be re-charged with a mixture of chemical cleaning but majority of the time, the resins will be thrown away.

In Conclusion :

Deionized water is not bad water to drink neither it is the super water that all must drink. As all chemicals have been removed from the water, other impurities such as bacteria and viruses WILL NOT be filtered out as they are more smaller in size to be trapped by the filters. Hence, an RO system would work best for the application as all things in the water will be filtered. On the other hand, one needs to re-charge or replenish the filter beads once the water quality level drops and this might be 6 months of less depending on point of use. Hence 1 or 2 pre-filters must be installed before the ion beads filter to keep overall cost low. 

Monday 29 September 2014

Distilled Water - What is it?

Distilled Water is for most people come across as the first and common level of filtered process water taken from tap water.  This is sold in the Supermarkets and stores as "bottled distilled water" or processed filtered water. We learn this in school from a simple glass distillation process and if you're in a Scientific Lab, you would see a water still somewhere around where the water is used for research purposes. Battery water is also distilled water.  

The process of making distilled water is a very simple process. Let's go thru it below :
Water is boiled in the boiled container and the steam is collected in a clean container at the other end of the process. The steam is condensed in a condenser unit by a cooler temperature water surrounding it. Thus, this process removes about 99% of the impurities left behind in the boiled container unit. 

Distillation process kills micros or pathogens but allows chemicals that are 25 degC within the boiling water range ( technically 75 to 100 degC range ) to pass thru with the steam. Hence, it is not 100% purified water. 

Furthermore, this process wastes alot of heat which is used to generate the steam at 100 degC point boiling and tap water that is used as cooling medium which will be wasted. The current models of electrical operated water stills can produce 4L/hr or 8L/hr which needs twice the amount of cooling tap water for proper operation. 


Advantages of Distilled Water :
1. 99% Free of Impurities.
2. Readily available from Supermarkets or DIY installation of filters in the home.
3. Heightens and generates cellular energy and sharpen mental performance.
4. Improve Skin Appearance.
5. Promote Weight Loss
6. Reduce Stress Anxiety and Depression.

7. Relieve Headaches and Dizzy spells.

8. Alleviates Asthma, Allergy and Arthritis Symptoms.

9. Aid in Proper Digestion.

10. Improve Oxygen Delivery.

11. Remove Toxins and Waste Products.

12. Transport and Increase Nutrient Absorption.

13. Cushion and Lubricate Joints.

14. Regulate Body Temperature.

15. Improve Immune Function.

Disadvantages of Distilled Water :

1. First cost of buying a distiller unit but cheaper as compared to RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) / Alkaline water system and all its replacement consumable filters.
2. Pre-filter and charcoal filter to replace every 6 months less which cost S$50 - S$100 per year. ( Depends much on feed / supply water for later of earlier filter replacements ) 
3. Might forget to replace the filters after the scheduled time and drink water that the filter has expired.
3. If you would want a much cleaner filtered supply of water for higher medical uses, need to go for RO / Alkaline water systems. 
4. Water pressure must not be too low if not water cannot past through the filters.
5. Distilled water is an active absorber and when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it acidic. The more distilled water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water."

Sunday 28 September 2014

How Many Types of Water Is There After Tap Water?

There are many types of filtered water after PUB tap water from the mains. This is due that water from the tap is filtered and cleaned from general filtration systems, there are trace elements and unwanted chemicals that are dissolved in the water which is not suitable for Scientific, Industrial or Production uses. 

Scientific - Labs, R&D Facilities, Hospitals and Schools / Education.

Industrial - Engineering, Power Stations, Steam Generation, Cooling Systems.

Production - Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Semi-Conductors / Electronics, Oil & Gas, Marine...the list goes on.

So then, how many types of filtered water are there? 

In order of Purity, here is the list :

1. Distilled Water
2. Deionized Water
3. Ionized Water - Namely Alkaline / Acidic Water
4. Reversed Osmosis Water
5. Ultra-Pure Water

I shall post one by one the difference in per water quality for all to understand what is this water differs from the next. 


Is the Water from Our Taps Safe To Drink ?

Direct Answer : Tap Water from PUB mains is safe to drink.

We have been doing it since even before we were born.

But have you heard that there is "Pure" Water out there?

"Pure" Water consists of very clean water that is meant for scientific labs, medical or industrial uses. Hence the water must be filtered further for those applications.
There is a deeper science to the water and its quality but for your better understanding here, I shall relate and share to the best of my knowledge on what I know.

Here is the info from PUB our water supply quality :


From here, under physical parameters the Total Dissolved Solids ( TDS ) allowed is 133mg/L or ppm. By the way what is TDS when you are suppose to know the pH level of water? TDS is used as an indicator of the presence of a broad array of chemical contaminants in the water. pH is used to separate acidic and alkaline properties of the chemicals dissolved or in liquid format in the water. Hence when you use the TDS meter, it is to allow the potential client that the water quality from the tap and boiled water has TDS values and is just not good enough for detoxing ( Note : Never say the water from the tap/boiled is bad water or you will have worrying questions that you can’t answer ).

As for the Chemical properties, PUB water ALLOWED 104 trace chemicals parameters in the water so that’s why its not totally filtered.

Then you ask why is this allowed? The answer is simply that the general filters that PUB uses in their water works are not able to filter to that level. Furthermore, as long as it complies or better over to WHO set standards for water quality, the water is safe and one of the best to drink straight from the tap. 

So is tap water safe to drink? Yes it is. But there is a hidden secret that nobody tells you ( because I they don't even know about it !!! )

We are drinking heavy metals ( Copper or Steel )  that is deposited from the supply piping which you and me can't do anything to prevent that from happening. 

Then you say, can we filter out these heavy metals from the system to have proper water to drink? 

Yes I say : - That is covered in another of my posting....